Marlon Teixeira by Christian Gaul for TPM
After his show for Christian Dior (which he walked exclusively) he remembers the feeling of getting his first payment. “It was an advance because Dior had not paid my agency yet, but I remember coming out of the bank, and down the steps of the agency with that amount of [3000] euros in hand and think: ‘Where I’m going to spend all this money ?’
So he bought Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses for his mother and several gifts to his sisters and to his girlfriend, Georgia, nine years older than him which he had been dating for one year and a half. ”But … I ended up giving them to other girls”. Marlon explains that he got dumped when he returned to Brazil. “I was pretty bad. I suffered for six months. I thought that I would love my first girlfriend forever, you know? But then time passes and you realize that life is not like that, right? “
Read the full interview in portuguese here (i’ll continue translating some parts):
”- LMM - Loving Male Models